How is information constructed?
A series of eight free educational guides that shed light on various facets of information production in the age of social networks. The cards offer several activities to be done in class using digital tools and commonly used applications. A series of downloadable “aide memoire” posters accompanies each guide.
“Aide-memoire” posters for your classroom - For high school students
- Poster - Information vs. opinion
- Poster - How can you recognize a reliable website?
- Poster - Journalistic sources
- Poster - Confirmation bias
- Poster - How to recognize hidden advertising?
- Poster - What are information media?
- Poster - Assessing the validity of scientific information
- Poster - How disinformers fool us
Fact sheets - For primary school
- What are information media?
- Journalistic sources
- Information vs. opinion
- How can you recognize a reliable resource on the internet?
- When our prejudices make us believe fake news
- Questions to ask yourself about science news
- Tricks used to produce fake news
- Are they trying to inform you or sell you something?
“Aide-memoire” posters for your classroom - For primary school
- Poster - What are information media?
- Poster - Journalistic sources
- Poster - Information vs. opinion
- Poster - How can you recognize a reliable resource on the internet?
- Poster - When our prejudices make us believe fake news
- Poster - Questions to ask yourself about science news
- Poster - Tricks used to produce fake news
- Poster - Are they trying to inform you or sell you something?